Saturday, December 6, 2008


Hi there! Happy holidays!

Well, Alexander celebrated his first Thanksgiving, and boy was he sweet! We traveled to Danville, Kentucky to our Joan and Paul's (our cousins) new home. Alexander ate green beans and bread by picking them up and feeding himself! He also ate mashed potatoes and turkey! Yummo!
On Friday, he went on a spoon strike though. All weekend, Hannah stressed out because she thought he would starve! Of course, he still gets of his nutrition from a bottle but he was on a roll with solids! He got to eat lots of new foods because of his spoon strike though! Rye bread with cream cheese, crispy baby crackers with goat cheese, egg yolks, and squash and zucchini!
Alexander is making lots of sounds including ma-ma, ga-ga, la-la, na-na, ra-ra, and rwa, rwa. He still says, "Oh!" a lot when he gets excited!

We're looking forward to the holidays! We love seeing family!


Hanah and Robert

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