Saturday, December 6, 2008

Putting up the Christmas tree!

Hi all!

I guess putting up the Christmas tree is so important to us because it means the start of the holiday season which means magic time. Robert and I are two big kids when it comes to Christmas. We love the glitter, presents, decorations, food, drinks, and time with family. Last year, I was pregnant and had a cold when it was time to put up the tree then I got poison ivy from the tree. I was not exactly feeling festive as you can imagine. I was actually wishing the time away because we were so looking forward to Alexander's arrival. This year is a whole different ball game. We want everything to be extra special so Alexander can begin filing away Christmas memories!
Also, I've added in a couple of our new kitty cat, Cima (Chee-ma), who we got from the Kentucky Humane Society the night before Thanksgiving. He's about 7 months old and has already caused major destruction! Yesterday, while we were at work, he chewed through a thin plastic water pipe leading to the refrigerator. Water sprayed continuously for hours, thoroughly soaking our carpet and carpet padding in the basement hallway and in a spare room in the basement. It also caused three ceiling panels to disintegrate. What a mess! However, he's a sweetie and just a kitten after all! And not to let Loki, our chug, feel left out, there's a couple pics of her in here, too.

Love you all!
Hannah and Robert


Dawn said...

What a handfull of a kitty! Tim has some good stories of kitties that were a handful as well, especially during a Christmas season if I remember correctly...he might offer a bit of advice to tie up your tree :)
Cute pictures!!! Alexander looks like he is taking it all in stride. So can imagine where you were last year in your pregnancy, but I don't even want to think about poison ivy on top of it. What a combo! I think Tim talked me into our smaller tree this year so no threat of poisonous plants. Can't wait to see you guys next weekend!

wanderstruck said...

What a handsome kitten! They can be a handful at that young age. But, by his markings and face, I think he may have some Bengal in him (my mom has two purebred bengal cats from the Kentucky Humane Society). Do some research on the breed -- they are very curious and active, and just love water. Definitely a fun breed!

If you need any help, check out the KHS website for cat behavior tips. Go to and click on "Basic Pet Care." Their tips helped me out when one of my cats wouldn't stop scratching the same spot on my couch.