Sunday, December 21, 2008

What? He's crawling? Our lives will never be the same!

Alexander is officially crawling! Wow-ee! All of a sudden on Friday, he knew how to go quickly from sitting to tummy, crawl to the Christmas tree, yank off the East-German, lead-filled ornament, and then sit up again to stuff it in his mouth (luckily, I stopped that part of the plan). He's hilarious and Robert and I just watch him and wait with anticipation for his next hilarious undertaking.He and his best buddy, Riley, had fun playing together on Friday. We went to dinner at El Toro, where they shared Star Wars toys and animals. After dinner, we went to Starbucks and they shared a chair. Alexander showed his affection by smacking Riley on the leg and shoulder. Riley hugged him and kissed him.
Last week, Riley, who is nearly two, said to his mom and dad in the car, "Pickles!"
"Do you love pickles?" his mother replied.
He answered, "Yes!"
She asked, "What else to you love?"
He replied, "Issak."
We're glad that he already has this little friendship.
Happy Christmas!
post scriptum:
Actually, the inedible ornament in question was manufactured in the former Bundesrepublik Deutschland (West Germany). And yes, it probably has lead in it.
-Robert (the editor)