Saturday, November 8, 2008

After Alexander's Second Surgery

Well, it's one week and three days after Alexander's surgery. He looks incredible. I miss both of his "first smiles," but I already love this new one. It's incredible that he will hardly have a visible scar above his lip or on his little "rainbow arched" lip. It looks like Alexander was scratched above his lip- not like he had such radical plastic surgery.

He is back to himself already, acting silly and eating a ton. His nutritionist is very happy with his weight gain from the past month and we have accomplished one of two of his therapy goals (to establish his suck, swallow, breath pattern and to feed from the Haberman bottle without coughing or choking). Alexander loves to eat turkey and sweet potatoes, sweet green peas, yogurt, and bananas. He definitely does not like apples, peaches or pears. Last night he had Irish Soda Bread for the first time and really enjoyed that. He is trying to self feed, but little things like Cheerios tend to get lost in the palm of his hand. It is so funny, I have to say.

Alexander Isaak is sitting up well and loves to explore all kinds of toys and household items. Some of his favorite things are the TV remote, cell phones, a shiny silver colander, trains, cars, little toy people, a soccer ball from Uncle Terry, and soft stuffed animals. He is pushing himself across the floor using his feet and knees but not crawling. He sort of looks like he's rowing a boat as he scoots across the floor. First, he pushes one way then he rolls to the other side and pushes then back to the other side to push again until he gets to where he wants to go. Very cute.

This boy also loves animals. He loves to pet Loki but doesn't like it when she licks him (who would?). Loki is such a good dog, she just sits still while he grabs her skin and fur or "pets" her (by smacking her), even around her mouth. Loki loves him and is protective of him. In her eyes, he could do no wrong. She is starting to learn to hand around while he eats as something usually ends up on the floor for her. When he sees animals he says, "Ooooo!" and pumps his legs and sticks out his tongue in excitement. The other day, Alexander was given the opportunity to pet his Nana's cat and he grabbed some fur right off of her! Yikes! She's good, too, and didn't give him a hard time, thank goodness.

Robert and I are really enjoying our little one and our family. We are so happy to have him in our lives- he is the sweetest person I know.